Cracked Tooth? Cosmetic Repair Options

Can A Cracked Tooth Be Saved With A Root Canal Troy, MI

A cracked tooth might happen at any time because of biting into something hard. That means the patient will need to have it repaired. It is not desirable, but there are some ways it can be fixed. Depending on how severe the issue is, the patient might have a filling, or a dental implant placed in the area. Keep reading to find out more about how you can have a cracked tooth repaired and why you should do so.

Bonding or dental fillings for a cracked tooth

If only a bit of the enamel is missing, the patient might get bonding or a filling. The dentist can use a filling over the area to repair it. If the front tooth is missing a bit, the dentist might use some bonding to fix it. That involves using a composite resin the same color as the teeth. It can offer better aesthetics to the patient.

Usually, bonding is relatively simple and does not require any anesthesia. The dentist will roughen up the tooth and then place the material over the area. The dentist can shape the material to be the same as the cracked tooth to look natural. Then a light is used to harden it.

Dental crowns

If the tooth has severe chipping, the patient might want to go with a dental crown. It can fit over the teeth snugly, giving the damaged tooth more strength. The outside looks like the natural teeth. These are a part of cosmetic dentistry, and it is helpful for the existing enamel. It is a good idea if there is also structural damage to the cracked tooth.

Dental bridges

Sometimes, it is impossible to save the tooth or the tooth may have mostly come out due to the injury. In that case, the patient might get a dental bridge instead. The patient might have two crowns placed, one on either side of the missing tooth. The patient will then have a bridge, a false tooth that goes between the existing teeth.

The bridge will then connect to either crown to stay in place more securely. Of course, patients can also choose alternatives to the bridge. That might include a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. The implant acts as the root of the missing tooth since it is anchored in the jawbone.

It does not damage the existing teeth in the same way that the bridge might. Sometimes, there might not be enough damage to require dental implants. In that case, the patient might get a bridge instead. The right option will depend on the patient’s goals and what the dentist thinks is the right option.

Choose the right cracked tooth procedure today

When deciding on the right cracked tooth fix, you will want to think about the time you will spend on it. Plus, you might consider the longevity of a solution. That can all factor into the right option for fixing your teeth. Making an appointment today can help you make the right decisions.

Request an appointment here: or call Thanasas Family Dental Care at (248) 260-2878 for an appointment in our Troy office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Can a Cracked Tooth be Saved with a Root Canal and Crown in Troy, MI.

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