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How Bone Grafts Are Important For Dental Implants
For many people, dental implants can be a permanent solution for dealing with lost or damaged teeth. This type of treatment is designed to last a lifetime. Once it is complete and healed, patients can enjoy a more beautiful smile without having to worry about any dietary changes, difficult home care, or unnatural-looking teeth.Dental implants…
Reasons To Consider Invisalign For Straightening Your Teen's Teeth
Invisalign® is a popular orthodontic treatment involving the use of clear aligners. This is a dental alignment treatment suitable for responsible teens. Going through this age range involves awkwardness, especially when it comes to looks. Teens need support in this area. Metal braces will not be a good choice. If you want to know why…
Facts And Myths About The Dental Implant Procedure
Many people in the United States have dental implants, but that does not change the fact that misinformation about the procedure still runs rampant. Check out these myths and facts about them to help you determine if implant surgery is right for you.There are many myths about implants. Learn about the myths and the facts…
Dental Fillings To Repair Broken Teeth
If you are self-conscious about your smile because of a damaged or chipped tooth, you should know that a dentist can use dental fillings to quickly correct these minor flaws and restore your smile's appearance.Dental filling application is an in-office technique in which dentists use a tooth-colored resin substance to fix minor flaws in the…